Ep.11 OATH Goals are Smarter


Why SMART Goals really aren't... Instead - try setting OATH Goals!

Happy New Year, friends! 

Goals are a highly effective tool but Kristen introduces some different thinking around goal setting. This is our first episode of 2023 and we want to kick things off right by getting crystal clear about why goals matter and how we can make them constructive (yes, goals can be destructive).

Why are goals so great?Prioritizing things and building up momentum Keeping things on track like an accountable pillar Looks good on paper Feels good to declare them, day dreaming Sometimes we can imagine how life-changing our goals can be.

But sometimes goals can do more harm than good. Kristen explores 5 ways this can happen.When we focus on the "shoulds" (comparison, lacking self confidence, perfectionism) When goals become influenced by what others are doing or appear to be doing When set with the intention of "beating" someone else. There's a fine line to where competition is healthy and where it is detrimental. Measuring our success based on someone doing or accomplishing less. When the perfect achievement of our goals becomes integral to our self identity and self worth - Perfectionists this is for you. Goals can be harmful when they are so rigidly set that we become intertwined with them as our identity. When goals become a tool for self shame, blame and sabotage - sometimes the idea of success can be very scary and so much so that we may even put up roadblocks for ourselves (procrastination anyone?).

Kristen explains why she feels the traditional "SMART" goal methodology just isn't an effective way to set goals. Do you remember the acronym? S= Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Reasonable, T = Timely. While Kristen explains that "timeliness" is an important factor - the other 4 conditions are flawed. Instead, Kristen offers OATH goals as an alternative. O = Outcome driven, A = Aligned (with your purpose, vision, mission), T = Timely, and H = Held by both your head and your heart.

Lastly we explore important questions around "how many goals are ideal" and what specific actions to take before you set your goals, during your goal-attainment phase, and after you achieve what you've set out to do.

Goals aren't the only factor of success but we truly believe that by setting intentional areas of focus, we are far less likely to get stuck in the Overwhelm as the year rolls on and that in itself is going to tee us up for more success, happiness, and harmony.